Animus Vox

Thumbnail of the map 'Animus Vox'

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Author TheBlackLion
Tags action author:theblacklion rn2 ticktock unrated weird
Created 2010-12-05
Last Modified 2010-12-05
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For the second Ticktock round, I'm really sorry for being to late. I took 9.35 min for the tileset and 10.00 min for the objects. The tileset was quite easy and i don't use any E tiles but making a quite good gameplay was incredibly hard. Hope it's good.
Please RCE.

Also if you're interrested in map making contest, don't forget to join this: The Weekly Challenge [].

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Emptiness' Thumbnail of the map 'Tricky Tricky' Thumbnail of the map 'Three Hard Ways To Up And Down' Thumbnail of the map 'First Contact - Earth' Thumbnail of the map 'Dazzled' Thumbnail of the map 'The Weekly Challenge'
Emptiness Tricky Tricky Three Hard Ways To Up And Down First Contact - Earth Dazzled The Weekly Challenge


Pages: (0)


check my question at ninjarobotyeti.


Demo Data


With this way the gameplay is not so terrible finally ^^
Demo Data
... they'll still be here, and we'll not have learned to not judge books by their covers.