Hot Tamales and They Red Hot

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Author mauve
Tags action author:mauve rated
Created 2011-01-15
Last Modified 2011-01-16
by 5 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wet Forest Moss' Thumbnail of the map 'It eminates a pale blue light' Thumbnail of the map 'Noted Melody' Thumbnail of the map 'Smells like ded spirit' Thumbnail of the map 'Fill the empty hole: my heart' Thumbnail of the map 'Love In An Elevator'
Wet Forest Moss It eminates a pale blue light Noted Melody Smells like ded spirit Fill the empty hole: my heart Love In An Elevator


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haha very stylish map. 4.5/5.

Agreed with flag.

Agreed with you, mauve, though.

for me is "fashionmetanetesque"


you guys are right. we had our high school dance last night and they didnt play anything i liked. that was really stupid
It doesn't matter what people listen to. If people want to listen to Justin Bieber. Let them. Its your choice who you want to listen to.

Another thing. Don't ever judge a generation's music appreciation by the contents of your middle school friends' iPods.

Let's see. You named 17 bands/artists. Six of them are basically worthless and the rest are universally famous (even the worthless ones are famous, actually). Don't fall into the trap of believing that since Ke$ha has the most downloaded song on iTunes, no one listens to the Beatles or Coltrane anymore. The Beatles sold more albums than anyone but Eminem in the last decade.

And any time you want to listen to Radiohead with an appreciative fan or two, hop on Metanet's IRC and give us a shout.


also, this reminds me of atob.