Justizzentrum Leoben

Thumbnail of the map 'Justizzentrum Leoben'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author above2meters
Tags 0033 author:above2meters rated
Created 2011-09-19
Last Modified 2011-09-19
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description 0033!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Natural Love' Thumbnail of the map 'Simply An Pro Highscoring Map M SIZE' Thumbnail of the map 'Puppies Castle' Thumbnail of the map 'Zero Koma' Thumbnail of the map 'Quiet Emotions' Thumbnail of the map 'Cebu Prison'
Natural Love Simply An Pro Highscoring Map M SIZE Puppies Castle Zero Koma Quiet Emotions Cebu Prison


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

first of all

I see talent here.
Second: 5/5 because i had fun playing it
Third: I thank you for having me as a fav mapper. i have gone downhill because of League of Legends but i will be coming back


Very smooth ^^

Death AGD.

Demo Data


Demo Data

This is high quality! 5. (the timing and mechanics are perfects)

Demo Data

This is quality! 5.

Prison Breaker Demo.
Demo Data
Justizzentrum Leoben is a High Technology *****Prison.
Really cool stuff here!