Castles in the Sky

Thumbnail of the map 'Castles in the Sky'

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Author Twistkill
Tags art author:twistkill fun gold playable thwumps unrated
Created 2012-06-22
Last Modified 2012-06-22
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Something different. Based on a cheesy techno/trance song from Ian Van Dahl that came out like at least 10 years ago. I don't usually do art or design maps so I figured I'd give it a shot. Not the greatest but it works. Playable/beatable.

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The Triumvirate Consequences Zupachek Unnecessary Complications Aeonblue Coconut


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And then I read

the description. Lol! :D
by my map "The Castle in Spain"? :D


Tbh it wasnt particularly appealing to go for the gold and it didn't flow the best. Like the bit inbetween the turrets though :)
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