
Thumbnail of the map 'Portrait'

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Author Wizard2
Tags author:wizard2 f race rated
Created 2012-07-15
Last Modified 2012-07-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description f

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Loved and Lost' Thumbnail of the map 'Becoming A Prostitute' Thumbnail of the map 'In Water' Thumbnail of the map 'Painting' Thumbnail of the map 'Orange Juice' Thumbnail of the map 'Complete'
Loved and Lost Becoming A Prostitute In Water Painting Orange Juice Complete


Pages: (0)


Simplicity of Aesthetics: 2/5
Eek. A whole lot of different shapes. Nothing really simple about this at all!

simplicity of Gameplay: 6/10
A rather confusing race that gains a few points in this category because there's only one type of enemy: a floorguard, which are placed annoyingly well. (I don't count mines as enemies.)

Gameplay: 9/15
I'm not a big fan of races. This was alright, but the floorguards (for me) were really hard to overcome, and I couldn't really find the flow. Watching the demo did clear things up but I wasn't really able to recreate it.

Aesthetics: 7/10
It looked pretty nice, however the tileset did look a bit busy, especially with the gold. :(

TOTAL: 24/40

I liked it.

Very enjoyable.


f <3


the mines at the start, they created interesting jumps. this one feels really cool to play. once you learn its in and outs its rather chill.

slow agd

your flow is always interesting..
Demo Data

Demo Data