14. War Horn

Thumbnail of the map '14. War Horn'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author the23
Tags author:the23 unrated z230172
Created 2013-03-12
Last Modified 2013-03-12
Map Data

Description Here's another one, certainly highly remixed from an original Metanet map, trying this time to impress to Meta a bit more now and challenging him to guess from which one this came from.

Enjoy and download the pack!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Red Hill Zone' Thumbnail of the map 'A Treasure Abandoned' Thumbnail of the map 'fear is a light' Thumbnail of the map 'Hidden Hospitals' Thumbnail of the map 'Vincent Vicetone' Thumbnail of the map '04. Tomorrow'
Red Hill Zone A Treasure Abandoned fear is a light Hidden Hospitals Vincent Vicetone 04. Tomorrow


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

Lovely Meta!!

As soon as I saw 183 I smiled. I knew you'd crush it.
Very clean run.

If you insist.

Demo Data


And I can't get sub 200. I'm leaving it at 206, just waiting for meta to crush it.
Demo Data


Mm. This is great, the way the tiles and the gold mirror each other. It's a nice effect.

np, when you can. ;)
Couldn't sleep last night. 've'Got school in a couple hours too xP.

I dunno

Stuff, I guess.


no problem Meta, I think it is not that one..
In fact, actually I can't remember exactly from which one.. :P The only thing that I can remember that it's came from one of the set of 30 or so that runs when you open N v1.4, this might be a clue, and then almost removed and remixed everything.. ;)

Also, what you think about?


This is a tough one, I must admit...

69-1? []