grid pinch

Thumbnail of the map 'grid pinch'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DW40
Tags author:dw40 butt unrated
Created 2014-05-11
Last Modified 2014-05-11
Map Data

Description idk

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Security' Thumbnail of the map 'Yesterday's Swamp' Thumbnail of the map 'Embryophyte Redux' Thumbnail of the map 'Messiah' Thumbnail of the map 'The Elf Goddess Delivers a Hyperslap' Thumbnail of the map 'ॐ'
Security Yesterday's Swamp Embryophyte Redux Messiah The Elf Goddess Delivers a Hyperslap


Pages: (0)

awesome map!!!

sub-1000 run
Demo Data

good idea this map,

hm can you give a tutorial of how to do the first room.. I must admit I cant do it

30 frames faster

this is actually a really cool tile squeeze map.
Demo Data

Slow Completion

Demo Data

Slow Completion

Demo Data