
Thumbnail of the map 'Original'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author maximo
Tags author:maximo bitesized rated test
Created 2006-01-03
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description This is just for you satisfaction, it's the original version of "middle eastern Twang" and I just thoguth I would share it. I found it a bit to hard so I was tinkering and made the map sidways and loved it. Funny how that worked out.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Verticle Shaft of Ambiguity' Thumbnail of the map 'Cycle Me Again' Thumbnail of the map 'Plus With Aloe' Thumbnail of the map 'Taste the Aroma' Thumbnail of the map 'Diorb' Thumbnail of the map 'Middle Eastern Twang'
Verticle Shaft of Ambiguity Cycle Me Again Plus With Aloe Taste the Aroma Diorb Middle Eastern Twang


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and a speed run :D
i love this level lol
Demo Data


really nice level, very enjoyable. heres a faster all gold :D
Demo Data

Messy run

But not many people have posted replays so here ya go.
Demo Data

Messy run

But not many people have posted replays so here ya go.
Demo Data

It's amazing...

How much a map can change if you spend a long enough time working on it. It's also surprising how things can work out great in ways you didn't ever intend for them to.


Very good job...


I like both of dem


cheating all gold

got it post getting the exit... but hey...
Demo Data