
Thumbnail of the map '(Spiral)2'

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Author capt_weasle
Tags author:capt_weasle playable race rated
Created 2006-03-11
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I like this race because you can get really really fast in some parts. Be careful because in some areas you can splatter on the wall if you go too fast. Dedication to nemetacyst because...well.....must there be a reason? Used from his tileset, Spiral Squared.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Full House' Thumbnail of the map 'Acadamy N-ward' Thumbnail of the map 'Brother of Pit of Despair' Thumbnail of the map 'It's dripping Ice Cream...and mines...' Thumbnail of the map 'Intensify' Thumbnail of the map 'Unsurmountable'
Full House Acadamy N-ward Brother of Pit of Despair It's dripping Ice Cream...and mines... Intensify Unsurmountable


Pages: (0)


Excellent tileset, but not a very good level. Iv seen much better races. Sorry.
Demo Data

ah well

you'd prolly make somethin better outta it than me anywhom.

kinda easy...

and what i wanted to not make with it...
i like it, but its not really what i ment to use it for...
you had no way of knowing that of course, and its good, so ill give it a 3.5

i may yet use it...


i was considering using this myself...but i never got any good ideas....

now to try it out...