Tribute to Nambio

Thumbnail of the map 'Tribute to Nambio'

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Author Kablizzy
Tags author:kablizzy rated test v1.3c
Created 2004-11-13
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Ya know, Nambio is perhaps the only person that I have seen who has played and responded to every map on here. He probably hasn\'t played them all, but like clockwork, every time I submit a map, or look at someone else\'s map, he\'s played it, and commented on it, whether good or bad. So, here\'s to you, Nambio!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Frenzy  v2.0' Thumbnail of the map 'Nevermore Cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Office Space' Thumbnail of the map 'Scaled to Perfection' Thumbnail of the map 'Kablizzy's Cavern Deux' Thumbnail of the map 'Verna Arcanis, Delio'
Thwump Frenzy v2.0 Nevermore Cavern Office Space Scaled to Perfection Kablizzy's Cavern Deux Verna Arcanis, Delio


Pages: (0)

faster than maximo

and first to comment in almost two years. 4/5
Demo Data


I did it faster, and looked cooler...

Demo Data

awww shucks

Thanks Kablizzy!

I always try to let people know what I think of their maps. I know its what I look forward to after spending a couple of hours on one of mine.

As for this map, theres no exit!

Check out my demo
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