Slow as mollasis

Thumbnail of the map 'Slow as mollasis'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author deathcloud33
Tags author:deathcloud33 autogenerated rated test
Created 2006-06-26
by 27 people.
Map Data

Description A little thing made while I was bored, pretty much. I noticed how you slow down a tiny bit when you hit a one-way on a slope, as you pass through it, so I was seeing what happened when you implemented it on a larger scale.

I also used a tiny program I made in flash to print out the code for this, incrementing the value by 1.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Corridor of 30 deaths' Thumbnail of the map 'Hate and Love' Thumbnail of the map 'Brittle platorms' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiralled' Thumbnail of the map 'Bubble bath' Thumbnail of the map 'One way escelator'
Corridor of 30 deaths Hate and Love Brittle platorms Spiralled Bubble bath One way escelator


Pages: (0)

i had a map

on the top rated page before. it was number 1. then clovic and this guy called aht decided it sucked and though i was multiaccounting and rated me down.


It snaps to the nearest pixel. would be kinda pointless to have an object placed at 25 and a half pixels over or something.
and I'm honestly amazed that it got on the top rated page... ever.


even if you use no snap, there's still a tiny bit a snaping.
4.5/5 - .5/5 cuz it was automatically generated, but + .5/5 for the honesty.


I like this (in my demo). Where he goes slow, then turns around to go back and he starts to get faster....anyway...I thought it was cool :(
Demo Data


Demo Data


this effect has been used only once because i remember seeing this effect in a level i think it was called dark tower or something but this effect is cool

Heh.. real cool

I alway swanted to write somthing like thsi but never had teh the time...
Demo Data


Top rated map.
Probably the first top rated map that was automatically generated.


Since i have not seen this before, it's hard to vote anything but 5. so congrats! get one more rating!


did you use z snap? if you did how did you get it so perfect?

pretty cool 4/5


thats cool... 4.5/5

and nice speed demos on my maps... lol