
Thumbnail of the map 'Suicide'

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Author mrawlings1078
Tags action author:mrawlings1078 playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-23
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description With each jump more and more rockets and lasers take aim! Get to the door FAST!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Stupid DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Choose Your Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'The Big Slide' Thumbnail of the map 'Mission Impossible' Thumbnail of the map 'Mission Impossible II'
Stupid DDA Choose Your Doom The Big Slide Mission Impossible Mission Impossible II


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What is with you and rockets do like to get blown bits or are you just suisidal (sorry can't spell).
Demo Data


Less objects.
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Missle Surfing

Spawn yourself near a wall in the pit of missles and turrets from the start and wait for the missles to com to you if necessary. Then jump up onto and from the wall. The missles curve like a wave to follow you. You do die, but for that split second it looks really cool.
It's sorta fun though...
Demo Data
Yeah it's pretty easy. just beat it for the first time though i had intended for people to go into the door and not slide by it. Oh Well.
Demo Data


i agree, really easy, funny demo too..
Demo Data


Maximo good job! xRyuenjinZeroEX was right i copied wrong or something. I just REALLY bad. Can't beat the level my self.
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Demo Data
...but it's still pretty bad. I could complete it in a heartbeat if it didn't harshly lag my computer. Sorry.


Maybe you just didn't copy it right cause it works.


Either your demo's screwed or your an idiot cuz on your demo N got blown to bits on the second bounce block.

walk in the park

really freaking easy and silly.
Demo Data