Mind Warp

Thumbnail of the map 'Mind Warp'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author jeffkillian
Tags author:jeffkillian playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-06-07
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I have beaten this a couple times, and like the challenge of it. May be hard for beginners, but I am sure that some of the good vets will be able to do it. Demos/Votes/Feedback are encouraged. Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

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Rapier Ramshackled Tybaltuous Desperado Jasterblaster Creaker


Pages: (0)


Here's the improved version ^_^
Demo Data


wow. No structure, yet still amazing. I liek how you, jsut like me when i do it, go for the hardest first.

Done :D

Took about 5 minutes. Done in userlevels mode like you said. Now you know how I play when I haven't practiced a level 20000 times :S
Demo Data

I would

But first, I want to challenge trib4l and anyone else to do it.


this is really tough. I can't figure out how to get most of the upper switches. Care to post a demo?