torngat cliffs

Thumbnail of the map 'torngat cliffs'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author b3njamin
Tags action author:b3njamin b3njamin jumper playable rated
Created 2007-06-21
Last Modified 2007-06-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I used the tileset of Xdude_ and made this

EDIT made a slight change in tileset

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Bears Den' Thumbnail of the map 'rockets for life' Thumbnail of the map 'The Flying Dutchman hits back hard!  No Jumprace' Thumbnail of the map '3 jumpstyles ' Thumbnail of the map '3 jumpstyles ' Thumbnail of the map '2 jumpstyles '
The Bears Den rockets for life The Flying Dutchman hits back hard! No Jumprace 3 jumpstyles 3 jumpstyles 2 jumpstyles


Pages: (0)


I did it again.
Demo Data
this is fun.
Demo Data


Demo Data


you have to hbe patient to play this map, I am not..

you have a demo..? I like to watch how some1 else done this type of map.. oh.. rating.. 4.5 =P