Comments on "Mountain"

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nice review
Demo Data

10 frames faster

still slow
Demo Data

Great review. It's halloween, who cares about a challenging map. I'd much rather have something fun. And this certainly was.
the map isn't really enjoyable, but I thought the review itself was excellent


this map is really cool because it's made by Yahoozy

only referenced to comments that were deleted ("I agree with x.") and added nothing else were removed for obvious reasons.
quality of the review choice that don't really have any purpose beyond that have been deleted. If you want to voice your opinion, you'll have a better chance of being heard if you make a thread on the forums and support your opinions. A 3rd party author's map is not the place to do it. This isn't a "Oh people are angry, they need to be quieted", but rather, "These people are voicing their anger in the wrong place".

Any further comments that are not relevant to this map will be dealt with in the same manner.
but has little value outside of the context a map pack. In my eyes the map doesn't ooze the atmosphere the review suggests.
I say this as a friend, but no. You are wrong. Precedents have been set which point to exactly the opposite of what you just said.


i usually dont speedrun featured maps, but i couldnt resist.
Actually a pretty slow demo but i cba to improve it.
Demo Data

@Koipen, you've only just realised that?

But seriously, Gloomp is a qualified reviewer and he can feature whatever the fuck he sees fit.

Took hs *0th on NReality :D

lol only gloomp

would feature this.
I don't really like it but it is funny that gloomp does. Anyways, congrats on yet another feature yahoozy

The only bad thing about this map is the tunnel. The top section is good.

Cool feature.

I always liked this thing.

Also I took the highscore/speedrun by 1.2 seconds. >:D
assuming rates were enabled, anyway.

tied with TRT

Demo Data
I love this map. Any map with a mountain with a face is awesome.

You put it on! O_O



Your yust rating it high because its Yahoozy, There is no fun in this map , to small for a minejumper and there are no enemies , it isn't a challenge.
i think i preferred the first


but i thought more could have been done with the tunnel
The tunnels weren't. 3/5


and it has a face =D

demo on Nreality

waay to easy

... nr
Demo Data