Help or Hindrance?

Thumbnail of the map 'Help or Hindrance?'

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Author UniverseZero
Tags author:universezero hard nreality rated survival survival-agd test
Created 2008-08-03
Last Modified 2008-08-03
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description ***NREALITY***

A test level I made with the ChaseMod on Nreality. First AGD gets a tileset with their username, longest survival demo by the 16th of August '08 gets the tileset dedicated to them. If you win both, you get both.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lost In Hell' Thumbnail of the map 'The Galactic Bazaar' Thumbnail of the map 'Trained Assassin' Thumbnail of the map 'Cube Runner' Thumbnail of the map 'Trapped in a Cylinder' Thumbnail of the map 'The Unreality Memorial ObjectMod Museum'
Lost In Hell The Galactic Bazaar Trained Assassin Cube Runner Trapped in a Cylinder The Unreality Memorial ObjectMod Museum


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Great Demo! You get the tileset. I'll start working on it. You may get it dedicated too, unless someone else AGD's it and goes until they die after running out of time before the 16th. Anyway, congrats!


funnest Map eva ... lol i loved it .. how did u do it?/?

please make more

I agree with Msyjsm

This is great fun. Great fun indeed.


Holy Jesus, I can't remember the last time I had this much fun with N. Sure, it's a bit random and frustrating, but there's still enough skill involved to make it fun. Funfunfunfunfun.


P.S. @romaniac: once you get the hang of things getting stuck on the ceiling is a rare occurrence.
Demo Data

yeah, but

its also extremely frustrating. like being stuck to the ceiling


Thats great!!