Your time will come

Thumbnail of the map 'Your time will come'

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Author isaacx
Tags action author:isaacx nnrpg playable rated
Created 2009-01-15
Last Modified 2009-01-15
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Neditor Scrimmage against maxson924

Please note the trapdoor in the bottom section
(Last time i used one to aid gameplay, it went unnoticed by several people like the person this scrimmage is against

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '28' Thumbnail of the map '29' Thumbnail of the map 'It's my birthday!!!' Thumbnail of the map '31' Thumbnail of the map 'This is why you need pie' Thumbnail of the map 'Resub - 33'
28 29 It's my birthday!!! 31 This is why you need pie Resub - 33


Pages: (0)


A soothing challenge with a very very difficult feel. good job!
No thwumps, song based? Ould you get it done sometime soon, I've been waiting for ages but remembered just now. Also, the map is fairly nice but I agree with Riobe.


Map is too hectic for me, but it doesn't look half bad.


I think I may have missed the trapdoor on your last map because I don't go for gold until I get a completion first XD

Hard I Agree

Maybe the rocket was too much but anyways, the gold placment wasnt great, and the tiles were average. When Putting Gold into tiles make sure it fits both collectively and easthetically. Mine Placment was fairly ordinary and didnt pose a challenge exept for random miss jumps and what not. I liked the map but i dont think its 4 worthy 3.5v

pretty hard

Rockets are placed perfectly. Just with 3 male drones, 2 rocket turrets and a wide area gives us a big action. Map seems simple but i'm sure to you spend on it 2-3 hours. Map is great.