
Thumbnail of the map 'Cream'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ratatat_
Tags author:ratatat_ nreality puzzle rockets rotating-mines squeeze unrated
Created 2010-04-28
Last Modified 2010-04-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description An nreality concept map I was playing around with. Nreality is not necessary but adds to the aesthetics.

A puzzle map, requiring you to squeeze four times without going too fast or too slow.

a highscoring map.

A speed run map.

An ugly map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Free Runner' Thumbnail of the map 'Barracuda' Thumbnail of the map 'Chicken Feathers All Without One Nut' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Duck Time' Thumbnail of the map 'In the Old Country' Thumbnail of the map 'Croaton'
Free Runner Barracuda Chicken Feathers All Without One Nut Cold Duck Time In the Old Country Croaton


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You won. There was no third :P

Pick a prize. You deserved it :)
go to This link []
Click the middle green rectangle.
Download the program.
Once you download it open the program and wait for it to load.
enter your info into the provided space.
Hit "ok"
At the bottom of the program type "/server"
Wait for it to load.
then type "/join #n-mapping"
Then you're ready to chat :D


i don't live in mex, but i live literally like five minutes from it in south CA in a little town, so we still have a lot of Mexican culture. plus most of my family lives in Mex, which preserves the culture even more.



i took back 198775 in case you wanted to know

208 frames
aww thanks <3
Thanks for helping! I hope you'll download!!


I couldn't think of much to do with it, but here:


Sure, thats fine

I'm thinking action, maybe with a side of one-way puzzle?
Yeah, go for action ;D

Do you mean

You would like to make a collab birthday map with me? I'm not quite following you :x


I can't ever seem to get the jumps right down the bottom tubes...

Faster all gold

Demo Data

Slow First Try AGD

I like the spinning mines, and tiles look really cool in the thumbnail.
Demo Data