All I want is your pity or some shit

Thumbnail of the map 'All I want is your pity or some shit'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Onesevennine
Tags action author:onesevennine flagmyidol rated tileset
Created 2010-07-03
Last Modified 2010-07-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description after submitting his last batch of 25 maps for vehemence 3 Onesevennine miraculously still feels like using flag's tileset. []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'chell is dead' Thumbnail of the map 'whatever you do you do it for me' Thumbnail of the map 'map 199' Thumbnail of the map 'whatever you do stay dizzy for me' Thumbnail of the map 'whatever you do get better than me' Thumbnail of the map 'whatever you do don't wait for me'
chell is dead whatever you do you do it for me map 199 whatever you do stay dizzy for me whatever you do get better than me whatever you do don't wait for me


Pages: (0)


By tomorrow I obviously meant 24 days later. But I keep my promises.
Demo Data

horrible demo, but the map plays weirdly
Demo Data

I'll be glad to give you some shit.

Ah, thanks. Certainly will play tomorrow. :)


Demo Data


Demo Data