The Two Groups of NUMA ( >:( )

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Thumbnail of the map 'The Two Groups of NUMA ( >:( )'

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Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags angry author:chrdrenkmann mad unrated
Created 2011-01-17
Last Modified 2011-01-17
Map Data

Description I will delete this map after 24 hours.
But I want to show you the two groups of NUMA.
And sorry for my crappy English but I'm so angry that I give a shit of grammar right now.

1. the "cool" guys
2. the "not so cool" guys

Do you want to know what I mean? Fine, have an example: []

This is not the first time that PALEMOON wrote a dumb sarcastic comment after one of mine or for one of my maps. Unfortunately, it's the only proof which I've found fast.

PALEMOON is a moderator. So... wtf is going on? Why these troll moves? I think that his apology is sarcasm either.

Well... now look what flag wrote: []

Seriously. I can't believe it. Do people find it funny when the coooool PALEMOON is trolling (- as a moderator)?

However, I found another good example.
Look at the comments for this map made by PALEMOON: []

If you can't spot it: Some not so famous users (no offence) played PALEMOON's map. Have a look at this comment now: []

I'm mad. Fucking mad.
Does this mean that the "cool" guys must have comments which were written by other cool guys?

It's no secret that the "not so cool" guys only get comments which were made by other "not so cool" guys - in the majority of cases (no offence again).

My question: Is this a good community?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '135-2: Carpe Diem' Thumbnail of the map '135-3: Repertoire' Thumbnail of the map '135-4: Alcatraz Island' Thumbnail of the map '136-0: Drill Out' Thumbnail of the map '136-1: Reflected Thoughts' Thumbnail of the map '136-2: Get Rid Of The Grid'
135-2: Carpe Diem 135-3: Repertoire 135-4: Alcatraz Island 136-0: Drill Out 136-1: Reflected Thoughts 136-2: Get Rid Of The Grid


Pages: (0)


dont ask how i found this :P


PALEMOON towerpost!
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PALEMOON Your maps are generally fun, but nowhere near the level they were year or two ago.

Rotten tomato doesn't become any better even if people know it's rotten.



i love apologize


i love spamming


I do not know what kind of guy I am?
(I think half cool, half not so cool)


i love Chrdrenkmann
i love NUMA
and possibly i'm old here (25 years old)
and I enjoy...
juasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas>>>>JUAS AND JUAS





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you always make me grin
and i am a cool guy this subject is now sunset
and i am a cool guy

koipen, wtf

everybody, wtf

like, seriously? if i didn't care about maps believe me i would be out of here in 2 seconds, because it is obvious only the maps and nothing else about this website i am staying here for (i believe this whole tragedy of a map illustrates why)

stop quoting things wildly out of context, please. if you had cared to read further you could see that the entire point of flag's "are you happy about who has played your map so far" was that out of the 4 people and 6 comments, not one of them even mentioned playing the map

i also find it frightening you hate me enough to sit around looking at all of my maps' comments to find something vaguely incriminating to post about for some reason. i hope you at least played them while you were formulating this plan because i think my maps are pretty fun (this is my opinion )

i i am sorry i am friends with other people who have been active for long periods of time. I am also sorry i ever became a moderator. Oh my god am i ever sorry i became a moderator. Would you like to trade, or something? Please.

the point is

we are not going to change our ways so we can pander to your pesky needs. me, palemoon, and flag have all been around longer than you have so i suggest you just get used to our "despisable" attitudes.

You said that "if you don't like the community, go away".

Generally elitism is considered inpolite and despisable qaulity, based on the assumptation that every people has teh same value. Ofcourse I agree if you don't think so, if I still won't agree.


drama sucks. quit stirrin up shit in my NUMA.
and you're point is invalid, seeing that the complaint is about the "two groups" and not map submitting, so what are you talking about?
i am sorry you do not like me but geez maybe you can tone it down a little

@mahi. There are other parts of nmaps other than the commnity, say the part where you publish maps.

(And I think the other things weren't so bad, but flags comment felt very elitist)
I think you don't get PALEMOON's jokes. I'm not so good at English and sometimes I don't understand his puns, but man, chill out. It's too far from trolling.

troll by everyone when you troll not only by "not cool user"
Just do it at the right time in the RIGHT SITUATION.


if you think this community is bad, butt the hell out.


author bias? are you freaking kidding me?
palemoon's comments to you were not malicious and trolling in any way. he was not breaking any rules; in fact, he was just trying to introduce some humor into the conversation/argument, whatever, fine. you choose to overreact to almost every comment made by the "cool group", blowing it out of proportion and making yourself look like the victim. and there is not two "groups"; thats bullshit. we're all part of the same community, we're all equal. and sure, maybe older members that are friends with one another are going to take shots at newer, less experienced members. so what? there's no harm done. all you're doing here is bringing attention to a non-issue.
you need to stop being so immature and start realising that we're all a family; no one is "trolling" you or anyone else, least of all palemoon, a respected member of the community, or flagmyidol for that matter. you downgrading these people is really lame and you should just stop. grow the hell up.


haha I love this...yes people tend to gravitate toward what you call "the cool guys" but that happens in any society/community. Everyone "looks" up to another person, admit-fully or not, it happens so this is dumb and totally unnecessary
then stay off numa for the day, and occupy yourself with something else. you'll feel better, seriously.
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And i suppose it is no secret that PALEMOON hasn't really cared about maps since times ago. Most of his features are old.

oh it is community filled with tons and tons of author bias. SO not very good at all.

agd below.
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you're not serious.

because if you are, i would lose a whole lot of respect for you.


Chrdrenkmann for president!

My advice...

don't take things too seriously.

Oh yes

I think so, too
Just not good enough.