Thumbnail of the map '028'

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Author ZivilynBane
Tags author:zivilynbane ground pokeset rated sandslash tileset
Created 2008-10-13
Last Modified 2008-10-13
by 36 people.
Map Data

Description It is adept at attacking with the spines on its back and its sharp claws while quickly scurrying about.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '006' Thumbnail of the map '002' Thumbnail of the map '249' Thumbnail of the map 'Vanishing Point' Thumbnail of the map 'Sing Out Loud' Thumbnail of the map '094 Silhouette'
006 002 249 Vanishing Point Sing Out Loud 094 Silhouette


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i no that this pokemon is called sandslash haha 5



Oh yeah,

I made the rate go from 4 to 5... you owe me. lol

I really like this one, looks very... sharp... :D


Thats nice, probably my favorite from you. Great use of the contrasting shapes. And omg, I havent seen you since I made that map out of your Charizard tiles :P Ill rate some of yours and you rate some of mine? Btw I gave this a 4.
we get fresh

Now that's fresh. Now that's fresh, that's fresh (get fresh).
Now that's fresh, that's fresh (I get fresh).
Now that's fresh, that's fresh (get fresh). Now that's fresh.,


Even if the spikes could be tuned up, it would b really hard to put them all on, and still have it look anything like him

@ Riobe

It won't take a Pokemon with a lot of detail. Since the medium here is monochromatic tangrams, super simple gets us something that might as well be a silhouette, while super detail gets us something that will no matter what come across sloppy, like certain parts of Lugia, and definitely Sandosrashu here. So a moderate amount of detail, I'm thinking.


5 for sure


But not as good as some of your others


A little bit to choppy in my opinion. Still very good.
sorry if it sounded harsh :/

I disagree

I think saying that this is crap compared to Ivysaur is a bit of an exaggeration. But it definitely is better than this, no doubt.

But I see how you could top Ivysaur, but it would really requires a pokemon with a lot of detail. I still give this a solid 4. And Favorited, obviously. =D


I have accepted that n's tiles aren't as suited to most of the other pokemon as they are to ivysaur. Also ivysaur, just as a pokemon, has a badass appeal that is hard to live up to.
And I did just come back to submit a version that is a little touched up in the spikes and claws department, but he got 5+ votes really fast so I guess it's too late now.
the red coats were actually on our side.

but we didn't know that until AFTER we killed 'em

pretty good


Really Good

I'll have to agree with eganic that ivysaur was the best, but this is still a 5.

Big time

I still think this needs to be touched up

N-art is overrated.


you guys have not seen his Ivysaur. in comparison, this is crap. no offense Zivilyn, but that Ivysaur was the best tileset-art i've ever seen period.

holy ass pickle

this is amazing!!!


this is in my featured opinion book. 5/5
and it looks fantastic, but the spikes look a little hollower than normal still 5 no way in hell i could ever make this. without cheating.

Holy crap

dude. how in the hell 5/5aved

