Comments on "Stalactite"

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so i dont have an opinion of that. 5aved ;D

eh, sure

just link and credit
I like them, and would like to use them on a map. I might modiffy them for my map though, so be warned.


The seeker didn't really keep the gameplay alive. It's easily avoided, and the map just turns into a mine jumper.
Demo Data


That's when he's going to release his MAPPACK OF TOTAL AWESOMENESS. That is all.

what happened on january 9th 2009?
what is going to happen on september 1st 2009?


use of mines
Great work though faved
Put it back. D:
the difficulty is perfect

Sorry guys,

I've tweaked it quite a bit. My apologies to Karma for invalidating his demo.

I thought it was great how you kept the gameplay alive with that single seeker drone.


nice map, looks pretty cool, only thing I didn't like was the back and froth feel at the very beginning, other than that, I liked it
Demo Data


it was kinda drawn-out and boring. plus i didn't like the switch layout.


wth? you totally changed the map
looking forward to it man, hope to see mor of this good stuff.

pretty good


Has anyone noticed

The decreasing popularity and submission of DDAs? I haven't seen one around in a long time...