For your disappointment, this map doesn't have hexagons.

Thumbnail of the map 'For your disappointment, this map doesn't have hexagons.'

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Author lsudny
Tags action author:lsudny unrated
Created 2012-06-01
Last Modified 2012-09-01
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description hexagons are overrated

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '<AFKool> this makes no sense' Thumbnail of the map 'darkestunderthelamp' Thumbnail of the map 'Tuned Hours' Thumbnail of the map 'overHz' Thumbnail of the map 'Relentless Dawn' Thumbnail of the map '31st Century Schizoid Man'
<AFKool> this makes no sense darkestunderthelamp Tuned Hours overHz Relentless Dawn 31st Century Schizoid Man


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haha yeah

I manly meant that this map needs more variety in its enemies in general, but I guess I was just being bad at N.


Just kidding.
Cool map and it looks really good.
The only thing is that one guass near the gold... it's just kinda annoying-you could have found a better enemy for there. 4/5


looks beautiful too.

screw hexagons
Demo Data

ack haha

can't play anymore, gotta get up far too early. I'm not as keen on this as your other few recent maps so far, but it's still pretty good, and it'll probably grow on me a bit when i get a chance to give it more of a chance haha
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