Vent, without the vent...

Thumbnail of the map 'Vent, without the vent...'

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Author Aju
Tags action author:aju playable rated
Created 2006-08-23
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description It's a vent map with some of my good IRC buddies.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Symphony No. 5 In C Minor, Op. 67: Allegro Con Brio' Thumbnail of the map 'Rumble Boxes' Thumbnail of the map 'Open Up Shop Remix' Thumbnail of the map 'Sudokool' Thumbnail of the map 'Ooh Ah Pipes' Thumbnail of the map 'Vinular'
Symphony No. 5 In C Minor, Op. 67: Allegro Con Brio Rumble Boxes Open Up Shop Remix Sudokool Ooh Ah Pipes Vinular


Pages: (0)

Even better.

much better
Demo Data


Demo Data
not like this map has anything to do with it!

sub one thousand
Demo Data
I thought you stood out from most of the other active authors here... actually, you know what..

I can't be arsed :) sorry If I upset you and don't worry, I'll be avoiding your maps in future, mate.

Good luck with it all.


I think that's a compliment, really, Aju. I would take it as such. With that said, I think your style is fine, but atob is trying to help you out, more than anything.


Atob's "old" maps


Freak out more Aju. Its a freeware online game....

Anyway this map seems original to me. Atob's point doesn't seem very valid, and if anyone is pointing out unoriginality they should mention Atob. Practically all his maps play and look the same.

What the heck?

Man, this isn't fair. I TRY not to copy other people's styles. I try to come up with something original every time I make a map. The only map I have actually made that was inspired by anything was "Dustox Tornadoe" When I make a map, I barely think about anything. It's purely coincidental that my style reflects theres. Maybe it's because they have broad styles. I dunno. It isn't there right to take up so much style space. Can't it just be a universal style, for people to be able to tweak a little bit? That's what I feel I do, at least.

Also, why are you telling me that I'm unoriginal now? It's almost as if you knew I had sex with a million people and that I have aids, and you tell me I have aids after I have sex with a million women. It just isn't right. You should tell me this stuff, instead of pointing it out on a map of mine after a month. It seems like many people have played my maps in the last month, but nobody actually told me of this problem. Why? Maybe the problem doesn't exist, and you are being a complete prick asshole. Well, fuck you prick asshole. I have a damn style, and I'm going to continue to have my own fucking style. So suck my dick, asshole prick motherfucker.



It's got some themes, but I don't really see the purpose to most of them... in either aesthetic or entertaining value.
Demo Data
But the truth be told, atob is right. You still have amazing maps, but they've changed styles in the past while.

still a 4/5


I feel as though you've lost your style.

Your submissions over the past month or so, while all mostly very enjoyable, seem to have been entirely styled upon some of the more popular authors' designs. Mostly krusch and baraba's.

I'm abstaining from a vote here. I'm sure others will rate this on face value, but I think you've more to offer than this.