Comments on "Chocolate Milk"

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I don't even know if I'm doing it right. I know the cornerjump is a cheat, but ignore that part. :P

And also, fuck that last jump. Fuck it.
Demo Data


It wasn't very...puzzly, for a puzzle map. :/

It seemed to be a mishmash of more known (and doable) concepts and in my opinion they were neither very cohesive or fun. As well as this, the whole point of having to work out a specific jump was kind of defeated by there being so many ways in which you could cheat it, taking an alternate route.

Finally, it was just uncool how stupidly accurate some of the jumps had to be. The second one, I actually found it easier to do the cornerjump up than to walljump off that tiny little edge. it was just...too small a window of opportunity to pull it off. No map sould need that kind of precision.

Finally, I think that the aesthetics were...lacking. They suited the map, I suppose, in that they were incoherant and in some places somewhat undesirable. but they did not look nice at all, really. :/

I personally think that this is map is worth 1/5. *rates*
Demo Data

1st try completion

Pretty easy (considering I beat it on my first try) and still technically cheatable as far as I'm concerned (you can do a corner jump up out into the area with the finish right after you leave the first pit, instead of going right and jumping left across the gap) but fun nonetheless. I also had no problem with the review until here: "He has take tiles and added made them into a brilliant" Wait, what? :P
Demo Data

not that great

at all

for the review and the map.


MARTYR FEATURE! *Gives C_B a hug*

Quickest I can get.

This is very cool. 4.5
Demo Data

Tile Jumper Puzzle, Took a very long time.

Ded to:
Espada777777:(Best Numa Player Ever)
10Tacle:(Very Good Friend)
Nutter:(New Friend)
Nevermore:(Rating and Commenting my maps, A good friend)
IAABH:(She's a guy)
Epigone:(Rating and Commenting my maps, sorta a friend)
KingAlex:(Featuring me 3 times on the Sunday N)
Everyone Else:(For Being there, no matter how small an affect)


BTW Much harder than the others, hard to do and make long with a 3 objects.
TR for 2 votes!
Chocolate City:

My first demo.

I love how there's nothing but you, the tiles, and the exit door.
Demo Data

Second try demo

I played this in NReality (that is, loaded it in userlevel mode) and ran out of time when I first tried.
Demo Data

Awesome map!

Fun but not too challenging.

1st Try.

Demo Data

1st try

Demo Data


Completed it on my first try without looking at demos. So slow.
Demo Data

oh men

i cant get out of the hole

IAABH is a lesbian.

Faster. Very nice map. 5aved.
Demo Data

look in her sig.

other interests, girls in my school

IAABH wasn't a guy.

You utter prick.


The best jumper puzzle in ages. 5/5 and favorited.
I come under \'everyone\', of course...

a wee bit faster

I only messed up in the place of the stacked 5 tiles!
Demo Data
c'mon people
1455 isn't that fast


great map

Slow demo

3rd try

Demo Data

Very nice.

I was not looing forward to some guy saying you couldnt get out the first jump, but there wasnt one. Awesome map.




so fun. 5/5
Demo Data

nice stuff man

this map intimidates my half-finished tile-jumper. We'll at least one of us can make good tiles. Thanks for the ded, i hope i can pay you back with some of my new maps. Keep it up.


my god. can sum1 link lol...

ill edit that

yeah :/

just sos ya know...
anyway, 4.5/5 for the map. Great tiles.
but IAABH is a guy, and a sneaky one at that.
check out the forums.


I <3 your style. 5/5

SORT of a friend?

Fuck yeah, man!


Demo Data

ty stepself


I think

I liked "Chocolate" better, but this is by no means bad. I just browsed your other maps too. You have a neat style, I like it a lot.

ty kkstrong0

i just like to know things :)

i bitesized

sorry I didn't comment it though 5/5
@10Tacle: Its The ONLY. lol


tile jumpers are way better than mine jumpers because:

-they never have a chance of lagging
-they look better
-people make them better

this tilejumper is awesome. 5/5