
Thumbnail of the map 'ConCave'

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Author jeffkillian
Tags action author:jeffkillian bitesized playable rated
Created 2005-06-09
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description This little map is one of my more favorite. It has one of the best tile placements that I think I have done, and it has been playtested to death.Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ramshackled' Thumbnail of the map 'Tybaltuous' Thumbnail of the map 'Desperado' Thumbnail of the map 'Jasterblaster' Thumbnail of the map 'Creaker' Thumbnail of the map 'Mind Warp'
Ramshackled Tybaltuous Desperado Jasterblaster Creaker Mind Warp


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Agreed. Nice tiles! 4.5


sorry to double post, but I meant to say that my only complaint is that some of the gold seems a bit superfluous.


very fun, and it looks nice. i got a pretty good run, but the end could use some work; thankfully this level was challenging but not frustrating - good job!
Demo Data

Very good

Not my cup of tea in terms of style and gameplay, but it's a solid 4 for sure.


This reminds me of Super Metroid!

i liked everything

but how difficult it was. deffinatley not a 5/5 map, just my opinion. well just so you know im NOT rating so if you lose your perfect rating it wasnt me

5 too

Oh look, a perfect 5


excellent tileset, killi. i love it. great level.


great work


The tileset is really amazing. I love the placement of the gold too. I can't beat it, but from what I played of it, it was amazing.