40-1 STOMP

Thumbnail of the map '40-1 STOMP'

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Author Vanquish
Tags 40-1 author:vanquish cryptic freedom series titleclue unrated
Created 2015-07-08
Last Modified 2015-09-01
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data



Been 5 months since I last uploaded a map. What can I say? I'm a lazy mofo. But a lot has happened these past months. I got a new laptop back in February and I was only intending on taking a break for a few weeks until I got settled in with my new laptop. But I got mappers block and got lazy. My new laptop is a lot more powerful than my old one so I also got sidetracked playing other games.

Anyhoo, I'm gonna be focused more on n mapping now, I really want to finish this column. I'm still a bit rusty but I hope you enjoy the map. The secret exit shouldn't be too hard. I'm starting the column easy, it'll get harder and more cryptic further on.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '39-0 The Dancing Ninja [feat Tempus_Fugit]' Thumbnail of the map '39-1 I Met Death and Spoke with The Devil' Thumbnail of the map '39-2 >Octave 01' Thumbnail of the map '39-3 Happy' Thumbnail of the map '39-4 Fleeting Fox' Thumbnail of the map '40-0 The Socialist'
39-0 The Dancing Ninja [feat Tempus_Fugit] 39-1 I Met Death and Spoke with The Devil 39-2 >Octave 01 39-3 Happy 39-4 Fleeting Fox 40-0 The Socialist


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Oh yeah

i forgot that you can load a map in Ned without seeing the hidden objects.

Also yeah I realise I have a nack for taking 'breaks' from mapping a lot, but remember, were all still waiting for a new zoas map too hahah.

in response to Vanquish's last comment. i play all maps in Ned anyways <3
Anyway, about your last question, I'd say sort of, people now can play in userlevels.txt or in Ned, while we wait until sidke (or my little brother, he took NReality code base and is trying to modify only that) make another miracle and redirect NReality to ''. Anyhow, you can hope and expect that people play your new column without seeying objects in Ned (because actually you can play maps in Ned without seeying the edition options/objects).

I hope this time will be finally true and you comeback to mapping, bro! Map looks super interesting and I really like the bird-golds on top! Keep it up, man! XD


So does that mean anyone who plays this has to open it up in the Ned, which means they can see where the secrets are in the map?

Ah I see.

Thanks! :D


nreality is trying to connect to "" not "". Great map, looks fantastic.



By the way

Does anyone know why the maps don't load when I coby the 6 digit code in the url into the text box? Or is it just my computer?