SmokeStack Billows

Thumbnail of the map 'SmokeStack Billows'

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Author MaximumRide
Tags action author:maximumride drones greeneggsandham medium playable rated
Created 2007-12-24
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Inspired (again) from GreenEggsAndHam. You make amazing maps. I just can't get enough of them.

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'An Underwater Utopia' Thumbnail of the map 'Agronomer's +' Thumbnail of the map 'Heartfelt Lies 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Heartfelt Lies 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Heartfelt Lies 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Inspi(red)'
An Underwater Utopia Agronomer's + Heartfelt Lies 1 Heartfelt Lies 2 Heartfelt Lies 3 Inspi(red)


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The bottom right is like a highly improved version of a small fraction of "i feel it all."
This map was highly enjoyable, it looked great and it's completely your own work.


I find it highly ironic that Mekkah used the exact words I described one of -his- maps with to describe this map.

I'll need to play this later to really say anything else, though.


"Is it my fault that I like to make these maps, or that I am better at making these types of maps"

Hehe, apparently not.

I do think the right is similar to "I feel it all" but I do like what you did with the mechanics, with the drones migrating to the next pit.

Other than that, I'd agree with lord_day, and the nan'd drone is pretty random/characterless.
but I have to agree w/ lord_day. It wasn't all that fun.
Gold/placement was reasonable, nonetheless. By the way, how do you get the laser drone to become immobilized?
with an argument that's not going to get us anywhere, you've got your views, I have mine. End of.


TECHNICALLY, yes, it's max_ride's. BUT, some of the concepts and ideas of the map are not his. You're saying it's his because he sat there and clicked each button or whatever. That's not true. If I were to sit down and copy a hooz map, does that make the map mine? No. It's hoozy's map, I just slapped my name and made a few changes. Now, I'm NOT saying that max_ride completely copied, because the truth is he didn't. But don't tell me it's HIS map. Even though it is. But it isn't at the same time.
It is completely max_rides work, he made it, GEAH wasn't there standing next to him when he made it, therefore it is max_rides work. It is however, inspired by GEAH, in her style. Every object and tile was placed by max_ride's fair hand where GEAH might have placed it had she been the one making it. So, the level is max_ride's, capiche?
It was awkward to play at parts, and no different from a awhole load of maps.


Erm. TOTALLY max_rides? I think not.


To me this map is completely max_ride's, so no bullshit about it being copied or anything like. As I'm sure GEAH would / will agree, he has simply used her style really quite well. It's the same /style/ of object placement and the same /style/ of tiles, but it is wholly from the mind of max_ride and not in anyway "copied".

Anyway the map, yeah; really nicely made, with all sorts of different elements of GEAH style in there, there's the ragged tiles, mines and laser thing going on at the same time as the smooth gold, one way and 5 tile combo. All in all, I really liked it and loved playing it.

Brièvemment: 5/5 + Favorited.
Demo Data


lol @ max_ride!

I was thinking about saying, "Yeah, but who am I to talk" in my comment. I chose not to for some reason. But you are totally right, I'm a thief sometimes!

The bottom right is not even exactly like all!
I did it all on my own. Is it my fault that I like to make these maps, or that I am better at making these types of maps?

It's not copied!


And honestly Mekkah, you shouldn't be talking...
Merry christmas! 4.5

Bottom right = TOTALLY copied from, "I feel it all".

Honestly, it's a bit more than inspired.

Tough map

laser and rocket made a nice combo

drones may have been a little too tough, but I dunno